Masterful performances by STSI throughout both sides of this great cassette. Their take on the venerable Tabuh Kutus Pelayon stands out; with classic telescoping lelambatan structure, evolving towards a gong-cycle sublime, and the interlocked gamelan super-focus required to articulate it all. The B side has some unusual choral accompaniment that hovers wonderfully amongst the shimmering metallic pulsations. Beautiful music.
31 minutes ago
I discovered this wonderful blog the other day, really fantastic stuff!
Many thanks!
Hey Matt! I echo Janas here. haven't stopped by for many months, you're still at it. A fantastic series of shares, and I like how you're jumping off the beaten track a little. your nice little reviews help. There are so many little nooks and crannies in bali that every few miles a unique new style may pop up. I attended a few genjek parties and they were a riot.
drop by if you're not familiar.
I'll tip the indonesian thread there again.
Absolutely brilliant! I am in awe...
No I'm not just lethargic like that...
I'm downloading and listening and it fells GREAT!
Very good blog, lovely selection, and above all with K7 you do NOT get any turnatable rumble, no pops no clicks. I love that magnethic tape... Way to go! Any chance of some promiscuous down town seedy kind of entertainment songs ... like for the ricksha wallas like me...
PS. psb sent me here... thanks...
We miss your uppdates!
I discovered this blog just now as I type. I will not sleep tonight for sure!
I used to play balinese gamelan ten years ago, listening all those k7 will brings me a lot of good memories.
Terima kasih banyak!
I am so sad that this blog is no longer active- I am astounded by what you've put online, and I am so jealous of your beautiful collection!
thank you a million times.
Oh my goodness I just had a nonstop no-sleep gamelan binge! Thank you so much for putting this all up, it's really really a treasure for gamelan lovers like me!
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