Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Topeng Tugek: Babad Mengwi (Aneka 179)

This is a raw, lo-fi cassette recording documenting a Balinese performance of the venerable Indonesian topeng mask dance. The propulsive gamelan overture that opens side A sounds really great through the murky tape fuzz, periodic mic feedback, and raucous crowd noise. For more info on Balinese topeng here's a good Jakarta Post article from 2001, specifically talking about the humor that's often a feature of performances in Bali these days, and also mentioning I Gusti Ngurah Windia who performs on this very tape.


  1. what a wonderful blog!!

    there are not many out there in blogland who post indonesian or thai music. i see you just have begun, and are already quite active... all the best for you and the fried brains of your visitors! ;)


    p.s.: i put a link to your blog.

  2. hi lucky,
    thanks for the kind words and checking things out!
